Actress Priyanka Chopra, who is currently on a complete bonding spree, did not receive a similar friendly gesture from her ex-friend Kareena Kapoor. We have recently heard Priyanka singing in praise of her rival Kareena, but guess what was Ms Kapoor's reaction on this?
During an interview, Kareena said, "Priyanka Chopra makes the best spy, she should give me tips.” Oops Bebo, that sounded sarcastic, rude and as far as we recall, PC hasn't yet performed any such role of a spy in any of her movies. So, what did Ms Kapoor actually mean by her statement?
On the other hand, Priyanka is all praise for Kareena. PC admitted that she respects Bebo as an actress and finds her very beautiful and talented. Even sometime back, Priyanka made a surprisingly friendly gesture by hugging Bebo in an awards function, that came as a shock to Kareena. But unfortunately it looks like Kareena is in no mood to reconcile with PC.
During an interview, Kareena said, "Priyanka Chopra makes the best spy, she should give me tips.” Oops Bebo, that sounded sarcastic, rude and as far as we recall, PC hasn't yet performed any such role of a spy in any of her movies. So, what did Ms Kapoor actually mean by her statement?
On the other hand, Priyanka is all praise for Kareena. PC admitted that she respects Bebo as an actress and finds her very beautiful and talented. Even sometime back, Priyanka made a surprisingly friendly gesture by hugging Bebo in an awards function, that came as a shock to Kareena. But unfortunately it looks like Kareena is in no mood to reconcile with PC.