Having tasted the sense of floppy spice, director Elred Kumar said the Telugu version of his film MUK will get refinement. He said that the target audience of Kollywood was kept in mind for Tamil version making restricted manner for U certificate. This necessitated many cuts in the film prior to the censoring and resulted with unexpected results. However the Tollywood audience will receive more glam and the scenes will portray different outlook, he added.
Not to desist the Tamil audience with those changes, the film will again be screened with changes made, he asserted. The mixed reactions from the viewers and film critics forced this effect, he specified. In the newer version, there will be more glimpse on the mother’s character portrayed by Anupama Kumar it is learnt. For Atharva too the result disappointed him much as he is badly in need of a breakthrough before his next with Bala, Paradesi. This could be a different experience for the crew and the cast to shed the refinement.