Sunday 27 May 2012

Tamil upcoming movie Isai of S. J. Surya updates:

One of the most expected Tamil cinema nowadays is 'Isai' in which, Tamil actor cum director S. J. Surya is doing the lead role. In this page of Kollywudz, we are going to have the updated information about the movie Isai time to time.

26 May:

Today, the information about the movie Isai is that, S.J. Surya has found the heroin of the movie who looks like one of the famous ancient time actresses of Tamil cinema, Savithiri. Most of us might have not forgotten the season of the S J Surya movies, New and Ah.. Aahh.. In those days, S J Surya was roaming for finding a girl whose look resembles with Tamil actress Simran and he found actress Nila and made her acting in Ah.. Aahh..

In line with that, we are getting gossips that S J Surya was looking for a model who looks like Tamil actress Savithri adn found for the upcoming movie Isai. The name of that model who looks like Tamil actress Savithri is, Sulakna. It is buzzed that, in the first movie itself, Tamil actress Sulakna performs well and good as an actress. Even in the wall posters, the title of this movie is called, S J Surya and Savithiri rocking, Isai.

To end up, today's gossip about the movie Isai, S J Surya becomes a Music director is an interesting news about this movie.