Karan Johar produced movie Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu has outdone Ek Deewana Tha at the Indian Box Office. The movie has continued to top the collection chart in second week too. Imran Khan and Kareena Kapoor starrer has collected Rs 7 crores nett in week two, while Prateik-Amy's film concluded the first week with just Rs 5.94 crores nett.
Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu grossed Rs 32.75 crores nett at the Box Office in the first week. Although it saw substantial decline in its business, the collection of the film remained as the top figures in the second weekend. The film added Rs 7 crores nett to its grand total Rs 39.75 crore nett in the second week.
However, Ek Deewana Tha made a very disappointing beginning at the Box Office with its collection reaching Rs 1.03 crore on the first day. Its business did not improve on the following day and it rounded off the first weekend with Rs 3.56 crores at the Box Office. It added another Rs 2.38 crores nett to its total gross Rs 5.94 cr in its opening week.
Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu grossed Rs 32.75 crores nett at the Box Office in the first week. Although it saw substantial decline in its business, the collection of the film remained as the top figures in the second weekend. The film added Rs 7 crores nett to its grand total Rs 39.75 crore nett in the second week.
However, Ek Deewana Tha made a very disappointing beginning at the Box Office with its collection reaching Rs 1.03 crore on the first day. Its business did not improve on the following day and it rounded off the first weekend with Rs 3.56 crores at the Box Office. It added another Rs 2.38 crores nett to its total gross Rs 5.94 cr in its opening week.